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Monday, 9 March 2009

How do you Sell Your Domains?

How Do You Sell Your Domains?

Great questions? Everyone wanna sell their domains on the net to make two pennies.But very few actually knows how to do that. I myself was fool for a long as I was believing any one posts on the net to buy his domains. I was bidding and getting many domains useless as i did not know the value of it or how to evaluate a domain was beyond my knowledge. Then I started to join the various forums,domain networkers like DNForum, Webmasterworld, many more chat sites to interact with the world's top domainers. I express my gratitude to those domain gurus from who I learned a lot,but still I am a student in their school.
There are many things you must know about domains before you could think of doing any business in domains. Of course there are many ways you could make money out of domain names. For that you must read at least 18 hours a day without a break. Then take action as the gurus told you. I started to learn and do some positive action. Slowly I learned a few good tricks where you check your domains where to evaluate it, and where to park your domains to earn PPC income. Then I learned to sell the domains with Godaddy, Afternic, Sedo, Greatdomains,and many sites where you can easily park your domains to earn a few busck and at the same time a great possibility to sell with remarkable price if the domain is type-in and generic or if earns a few cent per day while parked.
I was appalled to note that many domainers will help in advising good tricks how to buy and sell domains, or how to earn money through PPC or affiliates, again many will be miser to advise you anything. Why they will invest their times to advise free? So I bought and read huge number of ebooks. You will say I was fool. No, I was not. Leaning never goes in vain. In each day I had to read at least 15-18 hours , then I had the job . I needed to get up at 4 am, or sometime at 2 am to book my domains from the dropped sites where I needed to study a domain for hours to know its real value for development. Then test it with many link popularity sites, Alexa ranks- for traffic, Google for Page ranks, etc. Now I know which name will be valuable or which will not.
SO I request you the newbies, please read lot before investing domains-the future real estate of the world which appreciates its value than any other commodities in the world of equity or land or even gold price. You may test it, say if you buy a domain at USD7 to 10 dollars. And hold it for a year, then sell it for at least as USD100. What is the percentage of profit? Is there any item there which could give you so much profit? No way! So keep on reading please. You will come across many expert domainers whose great touch will change your life for ever.
Good Luck to you. Have Good Day Folks!!

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